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Boy oh boy oh boy am I EXCITED!  I am super passionate about the power of thought and how it can negatively take away your goals with dis-empowering thoughts sneaking up on you and changing your success ability without you even realising it!  Within our coaching programmes we can be quite ruthless (in the kindest possible way!) in getting the right information from you as to what you really want in your life and then help it come to fruition by harping on to you (in the nicest possible way) to actually do it as well as get you eating and exercising right!!

There is no point just being inspired. YOU have to be the difference and do the work to make it happen – it truly does make the difference and you can change.  This is a very important part of the Think module we use in our TEAM approach.

The reason we do this is that without these BIG dreams being acknowledged and affirmations targeted to convince your subconscious that you are well on your way to becoming/achieving your goal you will NEVER get the life you are after.

Yes I did say that!

You will NEVER get the life you are after because your brain is like a map that wants your car (your life) to drive you by quickest point to your desired destination.  If your health, wealth, self belief, fitness and behaviour desires are not established… your car is going to be driving aimlessly around.  Your brain is not conclusively sure of where you are wanting to go!  It’s like taking a summer vacation with all the kids packed up in the car with your tent and trailer, driving to the Coromandal when really you were wishing to head to Australia.  Your direction is not only wrong, nothing has been put in place to get you across the Tasman and you don’t even have the right currency of money and to make it.  Worse still is that the kids are all going nuts and confusing you even more with the noise and irritability… but you did have part of it right, which was that you wanted to go on holiday somewhere pretty and warm.  What I’m trying to say is that to see results you must be SPECIFIC as well as DELIBERATE and ENTHUSIASTIC.  Seriously, without the right intention set with the right attitude and enthusiasm behind it you will find it very hard to achieve your dreams or you could take a lot longer than necessary to get there.

Hang on in there if you have a faith this will still apply to you!  I do too and I firmly believe this only strengthens the practice of mind power and I’ll explain this shortly after I have shared something quite personal to me.  The reason for me sharing is that I really want you to understand just how powerful the mind is and how your mind can be healed and you can change.

Almost everyone who I meet personally is so surprised by what I achieve in my day and how I very rarely get overwhelmed or anxious.  I am ‘present’ in each of my activities with work and my family.  I don’t multitask.  Ever!

Almost every one of these people also won’t know that once in my life 18 years ago I suffered from a significant anxiety disorder Post Traumatic Stress and Agoraphobia  which saw me unable to leave my house at one point and being able to work was not an option for over 18 months.  I am thankful it happened at a time in my life I didn’t have dependent children and my heart goes out to those crippled by an anxiety disorder when they have small children to care for.  The freedom from dependent children for me personally meant I could apply everything I was being taught by my Clinical Psycologist very quickly and later in life when I suffered from mild post natal depression with my first born I was able to put the tools learnt into practice to quickly turn the overwhelm around into enjoying every moment with him.  I came through my challenges with therapy  but also proclaimed HOW my life was going to be different and visualised what my NEW life looked like.  The reality was that the trauma that ended up restricting me with a mental illness was not happening in the present but my subconscious did not yet trust that.  My subconscious had to learn that my life was now safe and I had everything inside me to be able to be whatever I really wanted to be.  I got well and then trained in Human Resource, working on belief systems of others in corporate business.  I had been a clothing shop assistant before.  I changed my life because I learnt to believe in myself, find what I actually really wanted to do in life and stop the negative chatter.  I only work on immediate high priority tasks so I don’t get overwhelmed.  I trust the season I am in if I am doing all that is needed to bring my dreams into fruition.

Yes I’ll say it again… I trust in the season I am in only if I am doing all that is needed to bring my dreams into fruition.

“Faith without works is dead” Thanks Paul De Jong.

You have to have the faith that what you have set will happen but you MUST do your part to see that it is walked out and that is what I want to help you with today by sharing part of my daily ritual.  There are things that I have intertwined together alongside the techniques of Mind Power to reduce overwhelm and be productive in my day so I can achieve set goals.

1. The night before I would have checked on my plan for the day in my diary and see if practically my plan is still set to work.  For example –

a) Have I created a list of what I really need to achieve for the week ahead and then chunked it down to what i REALLY need to achieve for the day ahead.  In my list I will have things I would like to do and things that I actually really need to do.  It is important to be first of all securing to my tomorrow list the ‘really need to do’ so I don’t get caught short (recipe for helplessness and overwhelm depending on how important the task was to do).

b) have I worked out times that each of my tasks should take to be sure that it is possible to even achieve what I would like to or need to do.  Being sure your plans are achievable is very important or you can let yourself and others down.  If there is only 5 hours in a day that you have available time to get some things done… then don’t make a list of tasks that clearly will take 8 hours!

c) If high priority tasks have crept in unexpectedly – have I emailed/phoned anyone who will be affected by my inability to come through with what they were expecting from me?  Sticking your head in the sand and hoping it will go away will only set a feeling of failure.  You are better to front up rather than patch up.  Patching up is also a waste of time in your day ahead.

d) When looking at my high priority list I will check if I have anything that may have a potential disruption outside of my control.  Highlight it.  For example – do I have outside work to do and it is due to be pouring with rain?  What is my ‘rainy day plan’ in case the weather will affect my goal.

e) Go to sleep silencing your worries about what you have to do tomorrow since you know you have an action plan and you can only do what needs to be done with highest priority.

TOP TIP.  If worry comes in.  Say to yourself  “I acknowledge there is xxxx coming up that needs to be done.  Thank you but I already have my plan set for tomorrow; I’m done”.

2. The morning of a new day   Wake each day with a vision in your mind of your day being a success!  Take a little bit of quiet time before you get out of bed to daydream and visualise your day going great.  Your mind has the ability to make pictures – use those pictures to set the scene of GREATNESS and wonderful, stimulating, positive connections with people.  Even if it is on the cards your children or spouse is not going to be how you would really like or ‘need’ them to be… Let them own that.  You do your bit to be the enthusiastic light EACH AND EVERY DAY – EVEN IF YOU DON’T FEEL LIKE IT!  I could go on about this one, but I will unpack how to protect yourself from the emotions of others in another message to you in the future.  During your time of visual imagery tell yourself just how AWESOME you are, how brave you are and how just being a person of great light and positivism that is making a difference to the lives of others.  Say it and pray it with enthusiasm!  Your subconscious mind will believe not only WHAT you say… but HOW you say it.  If you are ‘saying’ it in a drab tone with as much fluff as smelly full vacuum cleaner bag you will not be very convincing to yourself and certainly not inspirational to yourself.  People!! – the WAY you say it is VITAL to your success with this!  Be joyful and enthusiastic when you visualise the great things you have to say about yourself… even if you do not feel like this great person at all.  Remember you are training your brain to think and feel better about yourself and from a faith perspective you are giving authority and proclaiming how you are seen in the eyes of your father.

At this point it is great to sing along a little song to the tune of “head shoulders knees and toes” (thanks to Robin Banks)

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic x 2

I’m alive awake alert

I’m alert awake alive

I’m alive awake alert enthusiastic

I am really serious about doing this and if your thinking you can’t be bothered with games and mind power… Please answer me right now, is the other way of what you are doing working for you?  Are you feeling great about yourself, do you take care of your health and body as you would like to, do you have the job or finances that you truly would like?  Do you suffer from poor self image and anxiety?  If not – then play the game and create a life that is different!

Okay so next thing… and all of this getting out of bed prep actually only takes about 5 mins so not a huge whack out of your day…

3. Get up out of bed with enthusiasm and energy to welcome the day!  This really does work.  You not only have been saying in your head what a great person and what a great day you are going to have you need to use your body language that represents and matches what you have just told yourself.  Show your subconscious what sort of person you are (or on the path to becoming).  If you are a fit and active person with vitality – or want to be one – then move your body when you get out of bed like you are already there!

Look at this.  It shows how your body language and tone is so important and your own behaviour to yourself is no different.  Your subconscious knows no different and relies on your enthusiasm and body language to make lasting changes to your new direction.

Only 7% of communication is words

49% of communication is tone

56% of communication is BODY LANGUAGE

Give these statistics some thought.  Even though I am on Facebook, twitter and blogging I ALWAYS make time for face to face conversation.  It is so important socially not to just connect by social media.  Be sure to regularly personally meet with people or at least Skype/Video call to have real and engaging conversation with tone and with body language.

4. Go have a shower and while in there read out-loud some purposefully set affirmations.  When we coach someone we help you personally set your affirmation so it speaks life into your vision and direction.  Here are mine and yes here is my shower so you can see what I do.  Now this is the step I was missing lately in my life and this is a VERY important step to manifesting how you are going to be.  Take authority and say it like you mean it and by saying it out-loud your subconscious audibly hears you saying it and makes that decision for you to become that person.

Please take note.  Your affirmation script is what you are going to be in the future even if you are not there yet!  It is like a business mission statement.  It is your business and your mission!  This is the whole point and you are to dream and be big about your ideas.  Stop the tall poppy nonsense or the reluctance to speak it out for fear of ‘rating yourself too highly’.  Put all of that negative and limiting behavoiur out of your life.  You ARE an amazing part of a much bigger picture in your life (and in the lives of others) and have the potential to reach others in the greatest or smallest way YOU desire.  Your wishes may be completely different to mine.  You may be happy not having the same dream – but you will have a dream no matter how small you feel it is in comparison; you own your dream and are entitled to ENJOY it.  If you are not having fun, you are not doing it right!

5. Take on your day and your ‘to do’ list with purpose and (without confusing you) you are going to need to arm yourself with flexibility so that if something crops up that changes your day outside of your control you will quickly set out a new plan to accommodate.  By doing this negative talk and frustration at the interruption does not creep back in.  NOTHING is worth worrying or getting angry or resentful over.  Nothing.  The only person who gets truly hurt the most is yourself.

Be the best version of you by making a better start to your day!

To add to this, I had such a cool time today working with my 10 year old (who by the way changed my plan of intention since he really needed a day off school as he was super tired) and I want to share it with you.  From what he told me when I asked a few questions in different ways we came up together with his affirmations.

“I want to be a person who positively influences others to be kind and them pass those skill on to other people.  I don’t want to ‘be the man’ and have everyone think I’m so cool.  I want to inspire people by spending time with me to be nicer themselves.  I want to be a famous actor who has main roles in movies so others can learn from me when they hear about me how to really like themselves.  I want to travel to other countries as a family to experience new places and food together and enjoy each others company.”

He is 10 and he is setting himself goals of humanity and humility in his own words.  Helping our kids to create a destiny affirmation also helps us parents make sure we align opportunities for them to be able to walk their intention out.  Rupert has already done one advertisement years ago but we have never joined him with an agency.  Now that I know his goal we can help him by creating opportunities to achieve.  He is enrolled in a theater production already which he chose to do but I never realised why he was keen to.  His affirmation will be in his room on his wall where he gets dressed and each night one of us will be sure to read it with him so it comes to fruition.  With children under 15 it is necessary to help them walk out the process of practicing their affirmations.

So I’m going to leave you with that and want you to be sure that you understand that I don’t just want you to be inspired.  I want you to take action so you can make change in your life.

Here is another of my affirmations set to go on my shower wall…

“I am a fit and strong woman who exercises every day.  I walk briskly with my arms swinging to move toxicity from my lymph fluid, stimulate my bowel and regulate my hormones.  I life weights to strengthen my immune system and release endorphins and I lengthen my muscles and strengthen my core with Pilates while breathing to relax my diaphragm and calm anxiety”.

Mind power set to create wellness and vitality! Wow!

Be sure to have a BRILLIANT day tomorrow

xx Maria





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