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Stop incessant worry about things to do by prioritising those tasks. People often ask me how I get so much done in my day. The truth is, I used to be a worrier years ago and anxiety and depression was something I could relate to well until I learnt how to put the worry to bed.

On-going stress is going to keep your adrenals running overtime, is incredibly toxic and so self limiting. Out of all the things we worry about getting done, there is truly only a small percentage of things you should be really bothered about. All those limiting thoughts like “you can’t get this work done in that space of time” “you have gone blank now and time is ticking on” “the tax is due” “the shower nozzle needs fixing” “ your not going to come through are you” “the power needs to be paid” “the cat! She needs to be fed” “the washing needs to be on the line” and so on. Are the voices of your own negativity stopping you from moving forward, creating anxiety and that sick feeling in your stomach?

One solution is prioritising what needs to be done.


Make a list of all the things you need to get done and be sure nothing is missed off.  Some of these things will be pressingly important and others will be at the top of your list and nagging you but you may find they are not urgent and possibly not actually going to impact today.
Take each task to be done from your written list and fit them into an area relevant on a grid like shown below. Be sure to write each task into the relevant space.


Now that you have acknowledged your responsibilities, it is easier to focus on the bottom right hand corner ‘urgent & important’ which is your highest priority. Always be working in this corner as well as the top right hand corner labeled ‘not urgent & important’. As new tasks and responsibilities need to be catergorised then continue adding and moving them into the relevant area. Remember not to forget about the not important/not urgent list – as at some stage you will need to get these done.

Doing this simple lesson will see you focus and visually address what really needs to be done today and reduce worry about things that don’t need urgent attention immediately.


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