Keeping mind fit is what Clinical Pyscologist Chantal Hofstee specialises in within her private practice Renew Your Mind in Auckland New Zealand. Watch as Chantal explains what Mindfulness is and how to use it in your everyday life to help DE-stress your mind which then allows your body to function at its best.
Top Tips About Mindfulness:
Reduces Stress.
Allows the body to calm itself taking the mind from ‘fight or flight’ mode to processing of nutrition and help with elimination of Toxins.
Teaches the mind to focus on one task at a time resulting in faster output of work. Perfect for use in a fast paced life of multiple tasking as it trains the brain to work more effectively.
Can be practiced quietly for two minutes anywhere without anyone knowing. Perfect to take control at times of anxiety or pressured work environment.
Watch our interview to find out so much more and learn exactly what to do!
Stay well with preventative care xx